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THE DESIRED TOP! LET GO – THROW IT AWAY – REFOCUS (5/6) Most often it’s not your desire and capability to push yourself beyond the limits that is the issue; but rather your ability to let go of past challenges, scars, setbacks, regrets, defeats, disappointments, and to throw them away that proves a difficult hurdle to jump over. However, digging up and clinging to the devastating memories of the past tend to force you to flinch in fear and remain […]

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THE DESIRED TOP! SEEKING PERFECTION – (6/6) Seeking perfection is a defective start to your photography journey, however, see­king consistent prog­ression is a start on the right foothold. Your journey as a ph­otographer is a lear­ning curve expected to produce an improv­ed YOU and not a mea­ns to exhibit multip­le carbon copy of who you were yesterday. #Pay attention to your learning curve my dear photographer! Model @lady_louisa1 #TheDesireTop #TheDesiredDream #OneBigNaturallight #fashion #TheRedDress #eqonseptphotography #fashionablecolours #colours #AmOnalearningCurve #beautifulwoman #inspiration# #motivation […]

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THE DESIRED TOP!  Sit, Observe, Regroup and Deploy (4/6) As the whole world is said to be a stage with different actors and scenes for your Life, You are the best Actor or Actress. A significant period of any individual’s life is the moment you are not the first choice in a team, neither privilege to be seated in front, you are not the best in your class or graduating group, you are not the best husband or wife, and […]

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THE DESIRED TOP! Become You – Take a Step Forward (3/6) Too many of us are intimidated by what we can become because of the misconception of society. Understand that your validation to be yourself has been endorsed by God. This world and its systems will not allow you to be yourself. It is rather designed to keep you in an underperformance mode while it assists you to become like someone else. Many of us are victims of the living […]

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THE DESIRED TOP! Activate your Instincts (2/6) Some people are moved by instruction but great people move by instinct. To dwell daily on your physical strength and not your emotional intelligence or creative instincts; like an individual who decides to punish the blowing wind by attempting to deny it from blowing fresh air. You might be at the point in life where you feel extremely inadequate to pursue your dreams because of the many competing issues clamouring for your attention. […]

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THE DESIRED TOP! (Decide Your Focus 1/6) If the voice of your desire is not stronger than that of your critics you will never leave your comfort zone. Many of us have great dreams but we lack the desire to pursue the dream however, we desire freedom at the top. Dreams are like birds. They dwell in places where there is a need, an environment of freedom. For within it is best to be fruitful. Arise and explore your desired […]

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DEVOTION Devotion is the love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person or activity. You must understand that some days are just naturally better than others. It’s the same way in our interpersonal relationships and our faith. Things can get unstable at times, but staying devoted to a cause or a person through uncertain times is our rock to grasp when our faith and our foundation are shaky. I encourage you to be devoted to anything you find fulfilling and give […]

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